Friday, August 10, 2012

Chased by wild animals...literally!

Last night Miss H had soccer practice and I planned to run during her practice at the park since on Monday I was the only parent watching the kids practice.  If other parents are going to use that time as an opportunity to get stuff done well then so am I darn it! 

This is how the night started out.  I pull in the park where soccer practice is and look back and find Miss H like this.  In the 10 minutes it took us to get there she was out....that's when I know she is over tired!  No more staying up till 9pm missy. 

Dropped her off at practice with the coach and I headed out to run on the path around the soccer fields.  I still can't believe how slow I feel when running.  I don't know if it's because I'm alone running and no one pushing me to run faster but I seriously doubt I could go any faster.  Kind of frustrating that I can actually feel I'm going slow and that's never happened before...not that I've ever been fast! 

Well after making it trip #2 around the path the geese at the park decided to come up on the bike bath and not only walk over it but also line up on both sides of the path.  I saw this as I was coming up and I wasn't sure what to do.  I would have to go majorly out of my way to go around them and I had seen someone else walk through them earlier so I figured what the heck so will I.  Well as I just cleared them apparently I ticked one off and it started to chase me.  And a few others decided to follow.  Awesome.  I don't think I've ever been so scared and/or embarrassed in my life.  It literally happened in an open clearing for ALL parents at soccer practice to see it happen.  And yes I saw a few laughing at the incident.  HAHAHA very funny isn't it...not!   Now I can laugh because YES, of course this happens to ME!  Stupid geese! 

And lucky for me I also had another proud moment tonight right after I finished my run and I get back to watch the rest of Miss H's soccer practice I get to see this...

very proud soccer mom moment
That is Miss H just finishing a cartwheel/dance move right in the middle of practice and I think she's supposed to be the goalie here.  HA!  I'm guessing she will NOT be a goalie any time in her soccer career. 

It was a good night though and even though I felt like an idiot for getting chased for wild animals and having my life threatened.....I was out running while all the other parents were sitting in their lawn chairs or in their cars watching practice.  My belly may have been bouncing up and down and I may have been slower than a few walkers but you know what....I was out exercising and working up a sweat! 

On a good note, here is my Friday outfit and even though I was complaining earlier this week about how I have no pants to wear but my tops are fitting better!!!!  This sweater I could never button up and if I did well I had to make sure I had spanks on and it looked like I was stuffing major cotton candy in my shirts too.  Also these are the jeans that I went down in a size from my first picture when I started and THEY are starting to get baggy!!!!  WHOOHOO!!!  Give me a month or 2 and I bet I'm buying a smaller size of jeans again!!! 

Happy Friday everyone!  Have a great weekend!

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