Thursday, August 23, 2012


Today it finally happened!  FINALLY!!!!!!!!

What is it??

Someone at my work FINALLY noticed and said something about me losing weight!  My co-worker Kim asked me if I had been losing weight and I about screamed at work and said THANK YOU so much for finally saying something!!!!!!!!  I could have hugged her!  hahaha! 

Best news all day!!  Nothing is better than someone noticing your weight loss and it makes everything worth it!!! 

Big ol' smile on my face from the best commet in the world!!!! 
Have a fantastic day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I love it when people notice! Especially those who I have not seen in a while. I always look at myself and never notice any change on a regular basis, but people who see you ever so often will notice the change easier!

    Comments like that are a good reminder that we are doing a great job!


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